In at least one hundred words, discuss Cervantes’s Don Quixote can be seen as an example of an allegory. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Respuesta :

I would say:
Our knight lives optimistically in a fictitious, idealistic past. Sancho withal aspires to a better life that he hopes to gain through accommodating as a squire. Their adventures are ecumenically illusory. Numerous well-bred characters relish and even nurture these illusions. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza live out a fairy tale.Virtually all these characters are of noble birth and mystically enchanted with excellent appearance and manners, concretely the women. And everything turns out for the best, all of the time. And so, once again, they live out a fairly tale. Here we have a miniature fairy tale within a more immensely colossal fairy tale. Outside of the fairy tale, perhaps, we have the down-to-earth well-meaning villagers of La Mancha and a couple of distant scribes, one of whom we ourselves read, indirectly. I struggle to understand the standpoint of the narrator. Is the novel contrasting a day-to-day and mundane authenticity with the grandiose pursuits of the world's elites? This seems to be the knight's final clientele. As for reading the novel as an allegory of Spain, perhaps, albeit why constrain it to Spain?

I hope this helps!!!!


Don Quixote should be considered an allegory because it shows clearly how one person can be influenced by its inner calls to change his life and do marvelous things with his effort. Read the full answer below.


Three main reasons make Don Quixote de la Mancha from Miguel de Cervantes Savedra an allegory. First, because an allegory is a poem and the Quixote is written with a great number of stylistic resources and figurative language that makes him an amazing piece of work, but because it is a poem itself without all the figurative elements. Second, because it shows a critic of society. A society driven by consumption and failing as a constructive moral society that has to care for the individuals that form part of it. Don Quixote fights for chivalry a value lost in time and fights society to do it. Third, because the book pictures a debate between how enough strength of accomplishing something will literally make you into that goal.