Add commas and capitalization to the following. last memorial day grandma aunt betty my husband who works for the department of the interior and i went on a cruise aboard the star princess the pride of the mediterranean fleet to morocco. we flew from our home near mount eerie at 4:32
a.m. i should have known something bad was going to happen when i spilled my sprite the first time i said "morocco."

Respuesta :

Last Memorial Day, grandma, Aunt Betty, my husband, who works for the Department of the Interior, and I went on a cruise aboard the Star Princess, the pride of the Mediterranean fleet to Morocco. We flew from our home near Mount Eerie at 4:32 a.m. I should have known something bad was going to happen when I spilled my sprite the first time I said "Morocco".

Answer: Last Memorial Day, Grandma, Aunt Betty, my husband, who works for the Department of the Interior, and I went on a cruise aboard the Star Princess, the Pride of the Mediterranean fleet to Morocco. We flew from our home near Mount Eerie at 4:32 a.m. I should have known something bad was going to happen when I spilled my sprite the first time I said "Morocco".

Explanation: the following rules should be observed in correcting the question:

First word beginning a sentence is always capitalized. It's the reason "last" and "we" were capitalized.

This is followed by a comma indicating a pause and then explanation as to what happened on that day followed.

Words such as Grandma, Grandfather, Son, Daughter etc. are capitalized when used in place of the person's name.

When referring to an aunt by name, the word aunt is capitalized because it is a part of the name. In that all proper nouns are capitalized: Star Princess, Mediterranean, Mount Eerie, Morocco etc.

Listings are always separated by commas.