
In Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, what are examples of actions speaking louder than words and words speaking louder than actions?

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One example of actions speaking louder than words in A Doll's House is Nora's decision to leave. Almost every time she speaks throughout the play, she is not taken seriously, so to follow through on such a large decision to leave her family -and to actually act on it- is much stronger than to simply talk about it. 

An example of words speaking louder than actions is Torvald's constant demeaning of Nora through calling her pet names. In the beginning of the play, Torvald's actions are not all that bad, but he frequently refers to her as his "little skylark" and other names that show that he sees her as naive and does not view her as an equal. He also talks down to her about her spending habits. He may not do things that are terribly wrong, but the way he speaks to Nora reveals his true character.