Respuesta :

Ancient Greek culture values traditions in their different walks of life that may have affected or influenced its neighboring Mediterranean cities. In religion, it has influenced Christianity (and some in Islam) as it believes in animism in which nature’s spirits created their Gods and Goddesses who guides human lives. Arts are influenced in religion as it is shown in their columns of temples and sculptures of human perfectionism. Philosophical belief though differed views from their beliefs in religion,of discerning what is right from wrong and getting sense of life in the world (Plato and Aristotle among the first few thinkers). 


Good day as far as Greeks influencing Religion, it did not influence Islam as it states in the answer below! Greeks did not even Influenced the True meaning of Christianity when Prophet Jesus was here and His true message to believe in  one true God! Although some Greek traditions may have influenced pagan christianity with idols and beliefs of trinity. Prophet Jesus never said the word trinity or the meaning of trinity. As for Islam, it was a Divine Religion teaching about the One true God! Inspired by the One True God to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and peace be upon Prophet Jesus! So once again Greeks had nothing to do with Islam! God bless you all! Peace!
