Respuesta :

Due to the French-Indian War, relationships between the British and the colonists started to change.  The British began to tax the colonists heavily which the colonists resented.  With the passing of the Proclamation of 1763, the British tried to avoid conflict with the Indians but it prevent colonist from traveling West to establish colonies.  Another oppressive policy was the Quartering Act that required colonists to allow British soldiers against their will.  The many laws passed on the colonies were done with consulting the colonists and this pushed them to brink of war.  Eventually it resulted to the War of Independence.


Utterly changed everything.

Prior to this war the colonies were entirely dependent on Britain for security from indians and french. It is when these were defeated the colonists turned on their protectors.

Almost every thing about the US foundation myth is false.

The French believed in divine right of kings and dictated from france everything about their Canadian colonies. All positions went to nobility based entirely on court influence. The very large nobility and church did not pay tax. Only peasents paid tax. This caused the french revolution s few years later.

The british had abolished devine right of kings in 1689, had a limited form of parliamentary democracy and allowed the colonies to self govern. All british people paid tax , The richpaid most, the colonists paid least.

In the french indian war the American colonist outnumbered the french colonists 10 to 1 but most refused to fight and left the fighting to the British regulars. George Washington was an exception.

Unfortunately the American schools and museums teach a Disneyland version of the above. Anybody who challenges the false narrative is disbelieved.