Craig graduated from college and got his first job. He rented an apartment and purchased new furniture, appliances, and a television. What risk does he face?

Respuesta :

Essa pergunta está meio genérica; pois o termo "RISCO" pode ter diferentes interpretações;.

Admitindo que Craig comprou de maneira parcelada, ele corre o risco de perder o Emprego e não conseguir pagar as prestações. Negativando assim o seu nome.

Também podemos pensar em riscos mecânicos, como trompadas em móveis e choques elétricos.

Também existem os riscos relacionados a segurança pública; Craig corre o risco de ser assaltado ou ter  o apartamento arrobado.

Além desses, existem inúmeros riscos a mais: risco de vida; risco de repetir de ano; etc


This question is a bit generic; because the term "RISK" can have different interpretations;

Admitting that Craig bought in installments, he runs the risk of losing his job and failing to pay the installments. Thus negating his name.

We can also think about mechanical risks, such as bumping into furniture and electric shocks.

There are also risks related to public security; Craig is at risk of being mugged or having his apartment overturned.

In addition to these, there are countless more risks: life risk; risk of repeating the year; etc



Since the answer above is in Spanish. It's always good to own second best things. Most of the time the previous owner could tell you if it still works whether be a car, toaster, or tv. This also means you can save money.