His is not an issue as to whether the people are going hungry or cold in the united states. it is solely a question of the best method by which hunger and cold can be prevented. it is a question as to whether the american people on the one hand will maintain the spirit of individual charity and of mutual self-help through voluntary giving and the responsibility of local government as distinguished on the other hand from appropriations out of the federal treasury for such purposes. my own conviction is strongly that if we break down this sense of responsibility, of individual-to-individual generosity, and mutual self-help in the country in times of national difficulty and if we start appropriations of this character we have not only impaired something infinitely valuable in the life of the american people but have struck at the roots of self- government. once this has happened it is not the cost of a few score millions, but we are faced with the abyss of reliance [trap of relying] in [the] future upon government charity in some form or other. the money involved is indeed the least of the costs to american ideals and american institutions..." –president herbert hoover