Which statement best describes the stem cell controversy?
1.Supporters claim stem cell research may solve some of the most crippling disorders humans face. They point out that the embryos were already destroyed during abortion, or are sitting in a freezer as cast-offs from in vitro. Opponents argue that every life is sacred. They believe that life begins at conception and that innocent humans should not be sacrificed to save the lives of others.
2.Supporters claim that life begins at conception and that stem cell research may solve the mysteries of life. Opponents think that supporters are trying to play God.
3.Supporters claim stem cell research can only be successful if there is an unending supply of embryos and lobby for cloning. Opponents believe cloning is immoral and against God's laws.
4.Supporters argue that stem cell research is promising but is only the first step in cell research. Stem cells should be used to get to tissue cells, which could yield cures for several diseases. Opponents claim that stem cell research is murder and want to prosecute scientists who practice it.