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The second excerpt contains repetition and alliteration. Sandburg uses repetition of the words "big" and "soup" in this passage, which assists in the use of imagery (we, as readers, can picture the Sleepyheads eating soup out of big bowls with big spoons).
Sandburg uses alliteration of words that begin with B such as "big bowls", and the letter S, such as "snozzled" and "soup". He also uses alliteration to aid in the formation of a scene for the reader by using the "zz" sound of the words "chuzzled and snozzled". Although these are not real words, the reader can practically hear the noises that the Sleepyheads make as they eat their soup.
Sandburg uses alliteration of words that begin with B such as "big bowls", and the letter S, such as "snozzled" and "soup". He also uses alliteration to aid in the formation of a scene for the reader by using the "zz" sound of the words "chuzzled and snozzled". Although these are not real words, the reader can practically hear the noises that the Sleepyheads make as they eat their soup.
"They were smiling and glad to be marching but their heads were slimpsing down and their smiles were half fading away and their eyes were half shut or a little more than half shut."
This is the excerpt that includes repetition and alliteration. Repetition refers to the presence of the same group of words several times within a text. In this sentence the author repeats the phrase "half shut" twice. Moreover, the author uses alliteration, which refers to the repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of several words close together. In this case, the author repeats the sound "s" in several words, such as "smiling," "slimpsing" and "smiles."