Respuesta :
Water Cycle - 1. Water is stored on Earth in oceans, lakes, rivers, underground, caves, and everywhere that have water naturally. 2. Evaporation (vaporization), Condensation (cloud), Precipitation (snow, rain, hail, fog, sleet, etc). 3. Infiltration is when water go into the ground, runoff is when water either went into the process of infiltration or to the ocean, imagine an avalanche (it is a similar concept). 4. Groundwater sometimes ended up in wells, or remain in the ground until someone dug it out, runoff either end up in ocean or ground depending on where. 5. Well, global warming can cause many flooding from frequent raining and icebergs melting. It can also cause more frequent evaporating which can leave many areas with less water than what they already have. Carbon Cycle - 1. Carbon is important because the whole world needs it. 2. Carbon exists in the atmosphere, deep ocean, soil, animals, humans, surface ocean, plants, and factories. 3. Photosynthesis. 4. Carbon enters the soil when plant or animals dies and goes through decaying process. 5. Water does get carbon from the atmosphere more than land does. Some aquatic plants get carbon by sticking its leaves out of the water. 6. Animals get carbon when it eats plants. 7. When the animal dies, carbon goes back to the atmosphere, then water snatches it back down. Or when they urine. 8. idk 9. Because we get oxygen from plants, and if deforestation occurs more often, there may won't be a plant capable of producing bajillion of oxygen in a span of time.