Hi !!
1- Fernand est le mari d'Alice (F. is Alice's husband)
2- Daniel et Sonia sont les cousins de Louis (D etS are Louis's cousins)
(In French , Masculine gets over Feminine for Plurals =
des cousins = masculine plural or M+F plural
dess cousines = feminine plural)
3- Alice et Gloria sont les filles d'anne et Paul. (A and G are A and P's daughters .
grand-mère = grandmother
grand-père = grandfather
demi-frère = half brother or stepbrother (not sure if there's any difference in English ...)
père = father
mère = mother
tante = aunt
oncle = uncle
sœur = sister
frère = brother
cousin(e) = cousin
belle-mère = stepmother , or, mother-in-law
beau-père = stepfather or father-in-law
belle-fille = daughter-in- law
gendre = son-in-law
petites-filles = grand-daughters
petits-fils = grandsons
nièce = niece
neveu(x) = nephew(s)
stepmother or stepfather are after a remarriage, when becoming second spouse, or second husband.
Mother-in-law and father-in-law are mother or father of your husband or wife...
Hope I helped :)