List the procedural steps, from start to finish, that are required to convert benzoic acid into methyl benzoate via a fischer esterification.

Respuesta :

1) Dissolve the Benzoic Acid (C7H6O2) in Methanol in a round bottom   
     flask.2) Add Concentrated Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) and heat under a reflux
     apparatus on a steam bath.3) Pour the reaction mix into ice, and rinse the reaction flask with
    dichloromethane (
4) Collect the combined layers in a test tube.5) Wash the dichloromethane layer with sodium carbonate
    (Na2CO3) solution, followed by a wash with sodium chloride
    (NaCl) solution.6) Dry the dichloromethane by distillation on a steam bath.
7) Distill the remaining liquid ester in a vial on a heating mantle.