Describe what the term “Equatorial Africa” refers to and countries and physical features found in Equatorial Africa.

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Equatorial Africa is the equatorial region of Sub-Saharan Africa. There are 13-14 countries so I'm assuming you want the most well known countries which would be Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya and Somalia.  The physical features are savannas in northern and southern parts along with mountains and tropical rain forests. Hope this helps!


Equatorial Africa is a collective name for African countries that are located around the equator and south of the Sahara or Sahel region: Sao Tome and Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia.

Most of Equatorial Africa is located on a granite plateau, framed by the Tibesti, Ouadaï and Fertit massifs to the northeast, Darfour to the east and the Crystal and Mayombe mountains to the southwest. Two depressions occupy the central and southern parts of the territory: the one from Chad, the ancient dry sea from which Lake Chad remained, and the one from Congo, crossed by the river with the same name and its main tributaries (Oubangui, Sangha, Alima). A coastal plain stretches from the mainland of Equatorial Guinea to the Congo River.  

The predominant climate in this area is warm and very humid, which allows the existence of important forests, from which precious wood essences are exploited.