There's kind of a double standard here.
1st. You can argue that it should be outlawed in high school do the the considerable amount of evidence showing that football can cause serious brain ( and many other injuries) by the time a player reacher high school their bodies are more fully developed and forceful impact would like cause less serious damage to the the body then a 9 year would experience.
2nd. From a business prospective, however, this means that football players won't start playing "real" football until high school. My point is, is that the are not many professional the started playing football in high school that are now pros. The best players often ten to be the ones with the most experience. So, this potentially could have a major impact on the NFL, who would know have athletes that are considerably less "professional." No1 wants to watch bad sporting events. also the desire for kids to take in interest in football if their is no tackling included might be considerably less, potentially have the same effect.