Write a short dialogue that uses 1 or 2 of the new slang sayings from this week's vocabulary (like "Cool!" "What's up?" to have a snack, etc). \

Respuesta :


I guess you want that in French....

Salut ! Ça va ? (or "Ça roule !)  = hi ! are you fine ?
Nickel !  = fine / great ! (you can also say = Nickel chrome ! = super fine !!)
Ça te dirait de te faire un ciné cet aprèm ?=  (Would you like to watch a movie this afternoon ?)
Ouais, génial ! = (Yeah, great !)
Après on ira manger un morceau ? (After we'll have a snack ?)
On se retrouve au troquet ? (we'll meet to the café ?)
Pas de problème.À toute ! ( No problem = ok/ À toute = see you soon (short for "à tout à l'heure)

It's a bit longue bur you don't have to write it all ..

Hope I helped !