Coordinates of Point A = (-10.0, -4.0)
Coordinates of Point I = (-3.875, -10.125)
Analysis: WHEN MOVES UP, If we analyse the points H, F and G, we can see that the X value is decreased by 1.75 on every second point; whereas the Y value is increased by 1.75 on every second point.
Part-1: Coordinates of Point A
As the X value is decreased by 1.75 (WHEN MOVES UP) after every second point, therefore, the X coordinate of point A would be equals to the X coordinate of point D minus 1.75
=> X coordinate of Point A = -8.25 - 1.75 = -10.0
However, as the Y value is increased by 1.75 (WHEN MOVES UP) after every second point, therefore, the Y coordinate of point A would be equals to the Y coordinate of point D plus 1.75
=> Y coordinate of Point A = -5.75 + 1.75 = -4.0
Part-2: Coordinates of Point I
As the X value is decreased by 1.75 (WHEN MOVES UP) after every second point, therefore, the X coordinate of point I would be equals to the X coordinate of point H PLUS 1.75/2=0.875
=> X coordinate of Point I = -4.75 + 0.875 = -3.875
However, as the Y value is increased by 1.75 (WHEN MOVES UP) after every second point, therefore, the Y coordinate of point I would be equals to the Y coordinate of point H minus 0.875
=> Y coordinate of Point I = -9.25 - 0.875= -10.125