Respuesta :
I think both men and women are pressured to meet standards of physical appearance. Although I do feel women have more physical expectations compared to me. Women are expected be of a certain weight and to have a certain figure, to have shaved armpits and legs (ect.), to wear feminine and/or tight clothing, to have longer hair (because apparently short hair dictates sexuality). Women are also expected to always be 'dolled up' with makeup and glitter and always look 'glam.' They're expected to not look rough around the edges, and to always appear soft, warm, and very much feminine. Not only that, but there is a high impact from media to always be on certain 'trends,' from hair colours and styles - clothing styles and even things like nail trends!
With that being said, men do have appearance expectations too. They're expected to be muscular and manly, and I think that's genuinely the best example of men's physical expectations. Men aren't 'allowed' to like feminine things or colours. They aren't suppose to like glitter, lace, nice nails (for themselves), and of course not the colour pink. There are other expectations of men physically, but the gender-role expectation is definitely the most hard-baring, because where women can easily pull off where jeans and a t-shirt, men get criticised if they want to wear a skirt (although outside western cultures men wearing skirts is somewhat common), paint their nails, or even cover acne scarring with a little bit makeup.
With that being said, men do have appearance expectations too. They're expected to be muscular and manly, and I think that's genuinely the best example of men's physical expectations. Men aren't 'allowed' to like feminine things or colours. They aren't suppose to like glitter, lace, nice nails (for themselves), and of course not the colour pink. There are other expectations of men physically, but the gender-role expectation is definitely the most hard-baring, because where women can easily pull off where jeans and a t-shirt, men get criticised if they want to wear a skirt (although outside western cultures men wearing skirts is somewhat common), paint their nails, or even cover acne scarring with a little bit makeup.