How do we prevent future genocides?
We still have genocides everyday, with the school shootings, we let everyone in the country have guns. War, sending people off to kill themselves. and poverty all around the world. We have enough money to feed every person on the planet but every three seconds a child from Africa dies of hunger. All the governments in the world allow this to happen and they don’t care because they just all want money and don’t care about other people. So, How do we prevent future genocides? I don’t know, we live in one everyday

Respuesta :

This is not a school question, is it? You are trivializing genocide. The way to do what you are asking, though, is to become informed and do well enough in school so that you can become a political scientist of historian, so that you can have a real voice and be heard and influence people. Start by googling the Armenian genocide. No, start by trying to answer why it's wrong to say what you just said. Look the word up.