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John F. Kennedy decided to remove our nuclear missiles and silos from Turkey in order to stabilize and cool the Cuban Missile Crisis. This of course was when the Soviet Union exported nuclear missiles into cuba as a durrant and protection from the U.S. With tensions growing and Fidel Castro growing frustrated at the U.S. and its reconnaissance/spies he would believe to start a nuclear war. Already the U.S deployed hundreds of thousands of troops, bombers, fighter jets, and navy operations, and the activation of countless nuclear weapons. To stop this John F. Kennedy decided to create a naval blockade or as he stated a permieter so that these Nuclear Weapons were to never get to the cuba, but they did. So, with much planing and the brink of a nuclear war, the Soviets decided to send a message to the U.S wishing to deescalate the war. Ready to attack the U.S was Cuba, but in the brink of time Kennedy received the letter and swiftly wrote back. From this, the Soviets would take out their missiles from Cuba and the U.S would take their missiles out of Turkey, and so came peace. Already the missiles and Turkey were quite old so it still was a win for the Americans although it did threaten Turkey but the U.S gained peace, safety, and most important the prevention of a Nuclear War