Which example highlights the impact of the Lend-Lease Act?

A. It allowed the Germans to transfer money to secret accounts in the US to avoid paying penalties for World War 1

B. It was the first formal step in declaring war on Japan after the attack at Pearl Harbor

C. It overruled “cash and carry” enabling the US to loan weapons and supplies to countries vital to the defense of the US

D. It encouraged wealthy landowners in the west to lease their land to the poor so that they could have employment in agriculture

Respuesta :

(D) It encouraged wealthy landowners in the west to lease their land to the poor so that they could have employment in agriculture.
I'm not thrilled with the wording of C but it is the closest answer. It was intended to relieve the pressure on US forces and allow other countries to defend themselves within their own country. Hitler was all over the place, and it was not necessarily by his own choosing, and the allies just couldn't respond at that time. The main beneficiary to lend lease was Russia.

C<<<< ==== answer.