Respuesta :

Land Snails are not halal to eat in the Hanafi school, snails are judged to be impure and therefore impermissible to eat. Such snails are impure because they are considered pests and also because they are bloodless creatures (rather than blood, they have hemolymph, which is found in spiders and crustaceans). These qualities render them from al-khaba’ith (impure, foul, or evil things) that Allah the Exalted has prohibited in the Qur’an. [7:157]. Imam Nawawi (Shafi'i) said it is haram (land snails) and said this is a view of the majority of scholars. [al-Majmu' sharh al-Muhadhdhab]

haram. it is haram.

Escargot(snail) is haram as its a dish made of snail which is of two types . ... Secondly in water animals only fish is permissible for a Muslim to eat so technically all other animals in water will be haram including water snails .