Respuesta :
Wear a chemical-resistant apron, chemical-resistant gloves and chemical splash goggles at all times when handling HCl to protect your eyes and skin. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is toxic if inhaled, so avoid breathing it in and always handle it while under a fume hood.
Explanation: Four ways you can avoid injury while using HCl -
a) It's concentrated form is highly toxic so better use in the experiment hood.
b) Don't inhale its fumes.
c) Use lab coat while performing experiments.
d) Protect your eyes by wearing eye glare.
Three steps you would take in case of an accidental exposure to HCl -
a) Inform the lab assistant and teachers regarding the mishap.
b) Don't try to use any kind of ointment or medicated thing on the affected area without any medical advice.
c) You can use sodium bicarbonate to neutralize it.