Which statement about the following argument is true?


If it snows, the roads will get slippery.

It's snowing.

Therefore, the roads are slippery.

A:The argument is valid by the Law of Syllogism.

B: The argument is valid by the Law of Detachment.

C: The argument is invalid.

D: The argument is valid but does not follow the Law of Syllogism or the Law of Detachment.

Respuesta :

1. The argument is valid by the Law of Detachment.

2. Determine the contrapositive statement of the conditional, so we have...

If you live in Idaho, then you do not live in New York City.

3. If ticket prices are low and the line to purchase them is short, then I will go to the show.

4. If Satish takes the Tuesday 8:00am Chemistry class or the Tuesday 8:00am Physics class, then he will finish the program.
D: The argument is valid but does not follow the Law of Syllogism or the Law of Detachment.