n Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, Gregor's sister, Grete, asks their mother to help her remove furniture from Gregor's bedroom so he will have more room to move around. However, Gregor's mother refuses to do so. Why doesn't she want to remove the furniture from his room?

Respuesta :

Gregor's mother doesn't want to remove the furniture as she is afraid of showing that they lost their hope about Gregor's comeback to his normal life, she insists to leave everything as it is but then changes her mind because her sister convinced her.
Hope this helped. :)

Gregor’s mother is unsure about removing the furniture from his room. She believes that it is not a good idea to strip him of the last items that reflected him humanity. She believes that one day he will return into a human form and that that day he will want his belongings back. On the other hand, his sister Grete has finally started to see this change and understand that he isn’t human anymore: his habits, his tastes, his aspect, his movements have all changes, thus she wants to adapt the room to the new situation.

Universidad de Mexico