Respuesta :

Anxiety is a natural phenomenon of adaptation to situations of stress that depends on the personality traits of each individual.
 Only when anxiety levels rise too much and become unmanageable does anxiety become a disease.

 Some of these warning signs:

 1) Pathological anxiety is an unpleasant, annoying, disproportionate and unmanageable emotion.

 2) It is disabling and interferes with normal life, since avoidance strategies are associated with what causes anxiety. Thus, the claustrophobic can avoid elevators, acrophobic tall buildings or air travel and you can even stop going out alone if you have agoraphobia.

 3) Tranquility is lost with respect to the future, it is expected whenever something bad happens.

 4) It is somatized, physical health is affected through symptoms such as tightness in the chest, dizziness, palpitations, sweating, fatigue, headaches, difficulty breathing or swallowing, loss of appetite or irritable bowel syndrome.

 5) Phobias give rise to irrational fears and generate anxiety that can affect the quality of life and therefore need treatment.

 6) It creates dependency, since it assumes that the sick person needs to be always accompanied due to the insecurity they feel.

 7) People with anxiety are demoralized. Depression can be a consequence of pathological anxiety and when you suffer from depression there are usually high levels of anxiety.

 8) It generates great insecurity and doubts first of all, it is necessary to ensure and verify the actions, they need foreseen situations and they fear the naturalness and creativity.

 9) Produces insomnia problems, sleep disorders not only prevent nighttime sleep but during the day lead to fatigue and lack of performance.



