please help, I need feedback on this paragraph:

Some supporters of the death penalty may argue that life without parole is not a harsher sentence than death, simply because of the conditions of the prison system in the United States. Supporters may argue that the prisons in the United States are a “cake walk” when compared to prisons in other parts of the world, such as Russia. Supporters may also argue that the death penalty can serve as a reminder of what the consequences are for people who commit violent crimes. Supporters of capital punishment may argue that life without parole does not constitute much of a punishment because the inmates have a decent life inside of the prison: they get leisure time, three meals a day and they generally do not have to work for anything. Finally, supporters may argue that putting a criminal to death will provide closure to the families of victims whereas a prison sentence does not, because the criminal retains his life while the victim was deprived of life.

Respuesta :

Sounds very clear and literal. I would limit the number of times "supporters" was stated. (Maybe you could replace it with a word that has the same meaning so that your text could be more diverse).

Other than that, it's a great passage!
Well first off Russia as a different set of rules than any American Prisons and when it comes to closure for the victims families death is better than staying in prison due to certain conditions but life without parole is the next thing to death sentence so even if they mess up and for example kill a cellmate of assault an officer they will be given the death penalty but there are different types for an Inmates death (depending upon the state and crime) in Texas and Alaska you can choose a firing squad or in North Carolina you can choose a gas chamber
but the most common method is Lethal Injection.