Fred has a very detailed model of the solar system where each planet is made out of granite rock. Since his little sister really liked the model, he spent two weeks in his dad's workshop building her a Styrofoam copy. When he picked up the models to take them back inside the house, which physical property would he immediately notice upon picking them up? A. color B. conductivity C. density D. ductility

Respuesta :

C or "Density" The granite rock has a much higher density than the Styrofoam. 

Answer: C. density


A. Color is a physical property of the substance which arises due to transition of electrons.

B. Conductivity is the physical property of a substance which is due to the presence of free electrons. The substance which contains free electrons is a good conductor and which lack free electrons is a bad conductor or insulator.

C. Density is defined as the mass contained per unit volume. More is the density, heavier is the substance and vice versa.

D. Ductility is the physical property of a substance to be drawn into wires.

Granite is much denser than styrofoam and thus feels heavier than styrofoam.