Respuesta :
The digits that can be used in the code are 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 .
That's five digits.
Two of them are prime numbers . . . 5 and 7 .
So the probability that the first digit is a prime number is
2 / 5 = 40% .
The code is an odd number if the last digit is an odd number.
Three of the possible digits are odd . . . 5, 7, and 9 .
So the probability that the last digit is odd . . . making the
whole code an odd number . . . is
3 / 5 = 60% .
By the way, the first digit can be any one of the 5 digits.
For each of those, the second one can be any one of the
remaining 4 digits.
For each of those, the third one can be any one of the
remaining 3 digits.
The total number of possible codes is (5 x 4 x 3) = 60 codes.
40% of them (24 codes) start with a prime number.
60% of them (36 codes) are odd numbers.
Only 20% of them (12 codes) both start with a prime AND are odd numbers.