1.How does inertia affect a person who is not wearing a seatbelt during a collision?
2.How does kinetic energy affect the stopping distance of a vehicle traveling at 30 mph compared to the same vehicle traveling at 60 mph?
3.How does kinetic energy affect the stopping distance of a small vehicle compared to a large vehicle?
4.Keeping in mind the kinetic energy of a moving vehicle, how can a driver best prepare to enter sharp curves in the roadway?
5.Using information about natural laws, explain why some car crashes produce minor injuries and others produce catastrophic injuries.

Respuesta :

1) to answer the question on how inertia affects a person in a car who is not wearing a seat belt is that a seat belt causes inertia to go into affect quicker , because we will continue moving at the speed of the car. For instance, if a car is moving at a speed of 20 miles per hour, are body will continue to move at the speed unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.