What do these pictures translate to? They are Nazi propaganda posters and I need to know the direct translation of the words contained within, however the font that they are written in makes it immensely difficult to type into google translate. Some letters seem like they contain nonexistent letters, not sure if it is a special letter or just the fancy font. Please help, thanks!

P.S. I am writing a paper and need the literal words from the poster and I'm not fluent in German. I don't know how to do brainlyest but if you tell how the best answer will get brainlyest.

What do these pictures translate to They are Nazi propaganda posters and I need to know the direct translation of the words contained within however the font th class=
What do these pictures translate to They are Nazi propaganda posters and I need to know the direct translation of the words contained within however the font th class=

Respuesta :

Die Judennase ist an ihrer Spitze gebogen. Sie sieht aus wie ein Sechser...
The tip of the nose of a jew is curved, it looks like the number six.

Second Pic. 
Volksentartung - Volkstod
People´s Degeneration - People´s Death
Erbkranke = Birth defects   Landflucht = Exodus 
Geburtenrückgang = Decline in birthrates

Wehe den Völkern, die dieser Krankheit nicht mehr Herr zu werden vermögen. 
Woe to the people who can no longer control this disease. In reference to the Expenses for the Genetically Ill.