Prior to the dog incident, the children viewed Atticus as a man of many words but no action. They viewed him as old, he was nearly fifty, and he claimed he got started late which was why he was so much older. They were unimpressed with his many words and what they considered old, boring and tired behavior and felt as though he was not nearly as manly as the fathers of other children. They often even viewed him as weak because he worked in an office, and even forbade scout from fighting. Atticus was very smart, but none of these things impressed the children. When Atticus shot Tim Johnson's dog, he did so with only one single shot, and this altered the children's perception of him. They saw that he was actually a man of action. Jem realized that Atticus would not want the children bragging about his behavior. He used his abilities when they were needed, and Jem realizes that the humility Atticus shows is just as good as any touchdown or other physical activity. Atticus being a man of words is incredibly admirable. Jem begins to feel very proud of Atticus, no longer wishing him to be younger or more braggadocios.