Briefly describe some of the scientific or technological advances made during Islam’s Golden Age. Why were these advances significant? Be sure to discuss the role mosques played in making these advances possible.

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There were many advances both scientifical and technological during Islam's Golden Age. One example here was algebra which stems out of the thughts and intellectual discussions of Islamic thinkers during this time. This advance in particular had an immense influence on the future development of mathematics and other scientific disciplines. Mosques here helped spread the knowledge that was being developed and shared at the time.


The Golden Age of Islam, also known as the Islamic Renaissance, is commonly dated from the eighth century to the thirteenth century, although some extend it until the fourteenth or fifteenth century, during this period engineers, academics and merchants of the world Islamic scholars contributed enormously in aspects such as arts, agriculture, economics, industry, literature, navigation, philosophy, science and technology, preserving and improving the classical legacy on the one hand, and adding new inventions and innovations of their own. , scientists, merchants and Muslim artisans created a unique culture that has influenced societies on all continents.

Some scholars consider Muslim scientists as the founders of modern science, for their development of the first scientific methods and their empirical, experimental and quantitative approach to scientific unknowns, for this reason, some scholars refer to this period as the «Muslim Scientific Revolution»

The first scientific methods were developed in the Islamic world, where important progress was made on methodology, especially thanks to the works of Alhacen in the eleventh century. Alhacén is considered the pioneer of experimental physics The most important development of the scientific method was the use of experimentation and quantification to discriminate theories elaborated with an empirical orientation. Alhacén wrote his Treatise on optics, in which he significantly reformed the field of optics, empirically proving that vision was produced thanks to the rays of light that entered the eye, and he invented the camera obscura to demonstrate the nature of the rays of light. Alhacén is also considered as the first scientist for his introduction to the scientific method, and his pioneering works on the psychology of visual perception are considered as precursors of psychophysics and experimental psychology.

The Muslim cities also enjoyed advanced water distribution systems, with sewers, public toilets, sources of drinking water, distribution of potable water through pipes, 49 and the widespread use of public toilets. In the 10th century, the city of Córdoba It had 700 mosques, 60,000 palaces and 70 libraries.