he governor of New York receives $177,000 a year, but the governor of Nebraska is only paid $65,000 per year. Is this fair? If you say yes, give at least three reasons why. If you say no, give three reasons why. Next, answer one of your classmates' responses whether you agree with his or hers answers. Explain why or why not.

Respuesta :

It is if you believe in capitalism. People want to live in New York more than Nebraska. Higher demand means higher costs of living. Higher costs of living mean higher salaries to compensate the people who live and work there. Endemic inequality is the result when we let markets police themselves.
Well I believe it is far.
1. New York has a far greater population therefor he is accounting for more people than Nebraska
2. Speaking of population more people means more problems so he will have to work harder to make sure everyone is happy.
3. New York produces more money than Nebraska so obviously he gets paid more, where every it is more dense and urbanely populated you need a high paying job to be able to stay in the Urban place such as New York City.