Question for someone in the LGBT+ community with extensive knowledge on sexuality, if someone is demisexual and Demiromantic does that mean that they can be attracted to anyone (regardless of gender) whom they have a strong emotional bond? Does Demiseduality and demiromanticism disregard gender similar to Pansexuality and panromantisicm?

Respuesta :

Being demisexual means you are on the asexual-scale. This doesn't mean you are asexual, however, it does mean that you usually only find sexual attraction when you are comfortable with the person. This means things such as one-night-stands wouldn't interest you. You can still be bi/pan/gay/straight if you are demisexual. Evan Edinger did a really good video a while ago on this as well. Here's the link. Hope this helps!!


it depends if someone is also pansexual then they can be attracted to anyone  but some one can be straight and not feel attraction to the opposite gender until they are already close to them and be demisexual and demiromantic


Universidad de Mexico