Suppose your teacher assigns a paper in which you have to reveal your opinion of school, without directly stating it. Write some sentences from this paper, revealing your opinion of school through description. In your response, make sure that your opinion, though never directly stated, is clear to your teacher.

Respuesta :

my opinion is that our brilliant school consists of many intelligent students working together towards the betterment of our society

Answer and explanation:

We must keep in mind that we are not supposed to directly state our opinion about the school. What we think should be shared in a more veiled manner, through description. For instance, if I wish to talk of the school's infrastructure, instead of directly saying "the infrastructure is bad" or "the school building is very old", I could describe it in the following way:

As we know, our school was built 45 years ago. The building used to be one of this town's jewels. Nowadays, however, there seems to be a lot to renew. The original windows still remain and, even though they add some character to the building's style, they do not help the air circulation inside. In warmer days, we need to turn on the AC which, as an older model, produces a lot more noise than cool air. Our bathrooms are painted every semester and are kept clean. They were not built for the number of students we currently have, though. Sometimes, we just need to line up and wait for our turn for several minutes.