The acrylic plastic rod is 200 mm long and 15 mm in diameter. if an axial load of 300 n is applied to it, determine the change in its length and the change in its diameter. e = 2.70 gpa, � = 0.40

Respuesta :

The acrylic plastic rod is 200 mm long and 15 mm in diameter. If an axial load of 300 N is applied to it, determine the change in its length and the change in its diameter.
   . latd = -0.0002515 (15) = -0.00377 mm
 elat = -Velong = -0.4(0.0006288) = -0.0002515
 d = elong L = 0.0006288 (200) = 0.126 mm
 elong = s
 E = 1.697(106
 ) = 0.0006288
 s = P
 A = 300 p
 4 (0.015)2 = 1.697 MPa
 â€˘3–25. T