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Visualization is not sufficient to identify bacteria properly because bacteria have a limited set of shapes and many unrelated bacteria may share the same shape. Therefore, bacteria biochemical tests are mainly used to identify unknown bacteria. The type of biochemical reaction each bacteria undergoes act as a thumbprint for its identification.
Microscopic organisms have a constrained arrangement of shapes and numerous bacterias that are not from similar group or family share similar traits.
The perception and measurement of disciple microscopic organisms is still is a fascinating core interest because if methods other than the conventional are not used one might not be able to see the full structure of what is happening or how the full structure and features of a bacteria look like. Some methods used today include transmission electron microscopy, examining electron microscopy and natural filtering electron microscopy amongst others. Mere visualization are not enough to give us full details of how to identify bacteria.
The perception and measurement of disciple microscopic organisms is still is a fascinating core interest because if methods other than the conventional are not used one might not be able to see the full structure of what is happening or how the full structure and features of a bacteria look like. Some methods used today include transmission electron microscopy, examining electron microscopy and natural filtering electron microscopy amongst others. Mere visualization are not enough to give us full details of how to identify bacteria.