Read the passage below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
A phone call startles me out of a deep sleep. I sit up straight in bed, my heart pounding. “Hello?”
“Hello, Kevin.”
I know his voice immediately, but am too stunned to speak.
“You must be surprised to hear from me. We haven’t spoken in quite a while.”
“No, we haven’t.” In fact, it has been almost ten years.
As the silence stretches out between us, I recall a time, years ago, when I considered Matt my best friend. We were practically inseparable.
. . .
“Kevin, come inside!” my mother called.
I pretended not to hear her. Matt and I were busy playing superheroes in the backyard.
1. State the first sentence of the interior story. Explain your answer.
2. What visual clue helps the reader understand that the interior story is beginning?
3. Describe what you know and what you can infer about the setting of the frame story and the setting of the interior story. Remember that setting includes time and place.
4. How is the narration in the frame story different from the narration in the interior story?
5. What technique is the author using in the interior story? Explain this technique.
6. Describe the overall story structure’s effect on the reader’s experience.