Think about ads, including print, radio, and television ads, that have made you interested in a product. In your opinion, what details about these ads make them effective? The ads have people who are my age. The ads have exciting images. The ads make me think that the product will improve my life. The ads make me think that interesting or cool people use the product. The ads use humor. The ads have clever slogans or catchy songs.

Respuesta :

Ads have catchy songs that repeat in your head interesting you to buy 
that product believing it will improve your life.  It also sometimes uses entertaning images and very hilarious jingles or catchphrases like "taste the rainbow" 

its all of the below

The ads have people who are my age.

The ads have exciting images.

The ads make me think that the product will improve my life.

The ads make me think that interesting or cool people use the product.

The ads use humor.

The ads have clever slogans or catchy songs.