
each month,Liz pays $35 to her phone company just to use the phone.Each text she sends costs her an additional $0.05

PART A :in march,her phone bill was $72.60,how many text messages did she send?

PART B :in April,her phone bill was $65.85,how many text did she send?

Respuesta :

Part A: 752 texts

Part B: 617 texts
Part A: So if Liz pays $35 each month just to use the phone then we can subtract 35 from the total bill that month to get the total cost she spent on text messages
March: $72.60- $35= $37.60
April: $65.85- $35= $30.85
Now you divide the amount of money spent on texts by the cost of one text message to get the amount of texts she sent that month. 
March: $37.60/ $0.05= 752
April: $30.85/ $0.05= 617
Therefore, she sent 752 text messages in March and 617 in April.

Hope this helps!