In “The Monkey’s Paw,” which detail foreshadows the results of the third wish?
A. The monkey's paw wriggles in Mr. White's grasp.
B. Morris urges the Whites to burn the monkey's paw.
C. Herbert goes off cheerfully to work.
D. Mrs. White claims she could never fear the child she has nursed.

Respuesta :

I believe the answer is D. Mrs. White claims she could never fear the child she has nursed. In the story “The Monkeys Paws” Mr. White’s second wished his son to lived again, but the consequence of the wish was destructive since his son became a monster. As a consequence of the action he then took his third wish wishing his son to be dead again, but this wish brought back the sorrow of a mother seeing his son’s death the second time.
Answer to your question is D. Mrs whites claims she could never fear the child she has nursed. Mrs.White is very strong woman. In story it's even said that she is smarter than her husband. She sometimes even forces Mr. White to do things he thinks are wrong. for example wishing Herbert back to life.