Explain how a toddler might use verbal, cognitive, and motor skills to remove himself or herself from a group of children who are playing boisterously.

Respuesta :

A toddler is a child between the ages of 1 and 3 years old. A toddler will use verbal, cognitive and motor skills to remove himself or herself from a group of children who are playing boisterously by walking away from the group of children, screaming and throwing a temper tantrum to indicate his displeasure or unhappiness, or talk to the other children and tell them to stop being so boisterous. 
A toddler is able to walk by himself, have a vocabulary large enough to indicate his displeasure with something, and if all else fails, throw a temper tantrum to show that he is not happy with what is happening around him 


A toddler will use verbal, cognitive and motor skills to remove himself or herself from a group of children who are playing boisterously by walking away from the group of children, screaming and throwing a temper tantrum to indicate his displeasure or unhappiness, or talk to the other children and tell them to stop being so boisterous.  
