1. There three types of acid deposition: acid rain, acid mist and acid fog. Acid rain is the precipitation with acid components. Acid mist is the high concentration of acid gases suspended in air. Acid fog is like an acidic cloud near Earth's surface.
2. The source of acid rain is SO₃ and SO₂. The source for acid mist can be SO₃ or NO. The source for acid fog is mostly SOx and NOx gases.
3. The effects of acid deposition in the environment are:
3.1. deterioration of infrastractures and buildings
3.2. it can cause bodies of water to be acidic which would endanger aquatic life
3.3. it can leach aluminum from soil, which is harmful to plants and animals
4. It could affect human's health. Exposure to acid rain/mist/fog can cause respiratory problems like pneumonia and bronchitis.