
But it could have been neither the execution of the work, nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me. Least of all, could it have been that my fancy, shaken from its half slumber, had mistaken the head for that of a living person. I saw at once that the peculiarities of the design, of the vignetting, and of the frame, must have instantly dispelled such idea—must have prevented even its momentary entertainment.
It emphasizes the portrait’s artistry.
It emphasizes the narrator’s mistakes.
It emphasizes the portrait’s history.
It emphasizes the narrator’s denial.

Respuesta :


It emphasizes the narrator's denial


The correct option is D. But it could have been neither the execution of the work nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me these lines in the passage show it emphasizes the narrator’s denial.

What is the effect of Denial?

Living in denial has immediate negative effects, such as emotions of loneliness, anxiety, and unhappiness. According to O'Neill, long-term effects can include the perception that you have never moved past your experience and may end up feeling inexorably "trapped" in it.

Refusal to grant a request or wish for privileges to be withheld. reluctance to acknowledge the actuality or truth of something, such as a claim or accusation of their denial of the monarchs' divine prerogative. Her denial that she was involved is a declaration that an allegation is false.

Learn more about Denial here:
