A cell in the leaf of a corn plant contains more chloroplasts then a cell in the stem of a corn plant. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that, when compared to the cell in the stem, the cell in the leaf...

synthesizes more sugar
Chloroplasts are typical membranous organelles of vegetables, also occurring in green algae, which are of varying size, but are usually large organelles. They have their own genome, that is, the genetic material that exists within the chloroplasts is different from the genetic material of the cell itself. For this reason, it is believed that, like mitochondria, the origin of chloroplasts occurred through endosymbiosis.
Chloroplasts have a green pigment and are directly linked to photosynthesis. It is because of the pigment present in chloroplasts that vegetables can synthesize their own energy source. By synthesizing this organic nutrient - sugar - vegetables become the basis of the food chain, being able to transfer energy to the other trophic levels of this web composed of producers, consumers and decomposers.
Accordingly, we can state that when compared to the stem cell, the leaf cell synthesizes more sugar, since it has more chloroplasts.