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The first type of camera was the camera obscura, also known as the translation from Latin, "Dark Room". What it was is a hole in a screen being projected by light to another screen and the outcome was an inverted photo, either left to right or upside down. Eventually a lense was put on the hole and thus the camera was created.In 1816 the first photograph was created by a man named Nicephore Niepce. He developed photos using silver chloride which made the photos darken when they were exposed to light. Eventually he found a partner, Vincent Chevalier who suggested lightly coating the photo in Bitumen of Judea. The idea worked for only one photo.Soon after in 1833 Niepce died and his newer partner Louis Daguerre still worked to make photographs better. He used a silver plated sheet of copper with iodine vapor on it to make silver iodide. After the photo was taken it was developed by mercury vapor and soaked in salt. The camera he used was a very simple box camera that consisted of two nested boxes, a removable glass screen for focusing, and a lens cap.In the 1870's there were many different types of cameras created including smaller cameras, double lens cameras and detective cameras that were hidden in everyday items.In 1888 George Eastman invented camera film. The film was pre-installed into a box camera with a single lense. Each camera got enough film for about 100 pictures but after you ran out you had to send it back to the factory to get film re-installed into it.A few other cameras used during the time were: The movie camera which used film that was on a wheel, Plate cameras which had a slightly highr quality photo, and schmidt cameras which did not use plates at all.In 1948 the Poloroid camera was created. It was the first instant camera.The reason for it being so popular was its time saving, not having to buy film and it had its own exposure.By the 1980's the digital camera was here. The very first one was the Fuji DS-1P. Instead of it printing photos or using film, the pictures were stored in a file on the camera itself.

The term camera come from the Latin term meaning “room” or “chamber”. This comes from the Latin term, camera obsura, which mean dark room. The first camera-like object (camera meaning “light writing” in Latin) was originally created by an Iraqi scientist around 1000 AD. He produced a box, or chamber, that had a small hole. When the light, that is reflected of the objects being photographed, enters the chamber, it passes through the hole. It is projected upside down onto a surface in the back of a chamber.