Brainstorm a list of pros and cons for the school adopting a policy that requires students to complete one hundred hours of community service before graduation.

Respuesta :

- Students will help the community
- Students get to meet people, and possibly have a good experience
- Students can learn new skills
- Good for college applications or scholarships
- May spark an interest

- Students may not have time in their busy schedules
- Some students may not find enough volunteering opportunities
- Students may prefer to do other outside-of-school activities
- If someone forgets to complete the hours, they can't graduate just because of this
- It can get in the way of homework and other activities, or the summer when people have vacation
- Some parents may be strict and make it hard for their child to be able to volunteer
- Some kids may rather do internships

Pros includes:

  • Students will be exposed to different people and culture, and background if they volunteer to help the community
  • Community service will help students to acquire new skills
  • Community service will help to develop student character
  • It will help to boost student academic achievement.
  • Students will gain a sense of social responsibility
  • Students will also help assists the community in one way or the other.
  • Students build good ethics

Cons Includes:

  • The pressure put on students may discourage them from participating in future service.
  • Students might find it very hard to cope with other schedules
  • It might affect the chances of graduation if students fail to complete the required hours
  • Parents might also restrict their ward from volunteering to take part in community service

Further Explanation

Community service refers to a volunteer job or non-paying job that can be carried out a one person or group of people. Community service is done to benefit others.

Community service is often done in the community where the volunteer lives so that the community will receive the benefits of such person’s work.

People that volunteer to take part in community service are not paid but most times receives reward inform of gifts such as food, t-shirt, etc.


  • You are writing an expository essay on the pros and cons for a new service hour requirement for graduating high school.
  • Brainstorm a list of pros and cons for the school adopting a policy that requires students to complete one hundred hours of community service before graduation


  • brainstorm
  • community service
  • students
  • parent
  • volunteer