1. Nuggets (AKA: Sonic Ice)
Nugget-shaped ice tends to be soft and chewy. One of the benefits to this type of ice is that the drink it is mixed with tends to keep its flavor well. This makes nugget ice great for food service. The nuggets tend to not stick together and lasts for a good amount of time in any drink.
Nugget ice is the ideal choice for carbonated drinks and blended cocktails, but also works great in salad bars and produce displays to keep food cool.
2. Flakes
You might be familiar with ice flakes as they are often found in snow cones. Not only does this ice look good, but it also serves well to preserve food on display, such as seafood, meat, and produce.
Ice flakes are great for display because they help to maintain the hydration of the food more consistently for longer periods of time. For this reason, it is also a good ice shape choice for transporting perishable food. This is also the ideal ice type for making blended drinks, as the ice is soft, flaky and easier to blend.