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The correct answer is: selective attention

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A person's tendency to filter out most information is called selective attention.

Further explanation

The cognitive aspects of students must be stimulated continuously, so that students can react mentally quickly every managing information so that it can streamline and make effective all the resources owned by students, such as mental, energy and various kinds needed to encourage increased student motivation to learn.

Stimuli on the cognitive aspects of students can also affect the attention that is owned by students so that it is expected to improve students' memory and perception of the lesson. Keeping student concentration at the level expected to be a challenge for teachers, therefore teachers need to know several types of attention, to do the mapping to find solutions and solutions faced by students.

Groover said there are 5 types of attention, namely:

1. Selective attention

Selective attention is in situations where a person monitors several sources of information at once. The recipient of the information must choose one of the most important sources of information and ignore others. Factors that influence selective attention are expectations, stimuli, and values. The recipient of information expects a particular source to provide information and pay more attention to that source, choose the stimulus that has the most effective or is seen than the others, and choose the most important source of information.

2. Focused Attention

Focused attention refers to situations where a person is given several inputs but must focus on just one input during a specified time interval. The recipient of the information focuses on one source and is not distracted by other disturbances. Factors that influence focused attention are distance and direction, and interference from the surrounding environment. Recipients of information will more easily receive information from sources directly in front of it.

3. Divided Attention

Divided attention occurs when recipients of the information are required to receive information from various sources and do several types of work at once.

4. Sustained Attention

Continued attention is made to recipients of information that must see the signal or source for a certain period. In this situation, the recipient of the information needs to prevent signal loss.

5. Lack of Attention

Lack of attention is a situation where the recipient of the information does not concentrate on his work. This situation is caused by boredom and fatigue. The characteristics of work that can cause situations of inattention are short-cycle work, little need for bodily movements, a warm environment, lack of interaction with other workers, low motivation, and the workplace has poor lighting.

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Kind of attention,


Class: High School

Subject: Social studies

Keyword: type of attention