1. Es importante que las personas en una gira _____ dónde y a qué hora se van a reunir con el autobús.
Question options:
a. recuerden b. recordaban c. recordaron d. recuerdan

2. Miguelito, es necesario que tú no _____ ruido en el pasillo del hotel.
Question options:
a. hiciste b. haga c. hagas d. haces

Respuesta :

1. D, recuerdan.

You can immediately eliminate choices A and B because they aren't the correct conjugations.

Recordaron is in past tense, however the sentence is in present tense.

2. D, haces.

You can immediately eliminate B and C because they aren't the correct conjugations of hacer.

The sentence is in the tú form; the person is talking to Miguelito referring him as "tú".

Hiciste is in past tense, however the sentence is in present tense.

Both answers are D. Hope this helps.